HBE launches new product on the market

The manufacturer of hydraulic components has extended its proven range with a new product. HBE now offers desiccant breathers which combine the tank breathing, humidity absorption and cleaning of the inflowing air in one unit.

The desiccant breathers of the LEF series prevent that air humidity or solids from the outside can get into the storage tank. Due to the permanent air flow of the filter during the air exchange within the storage tank, the humidity therefore is withdrawn from the system. This significantly reduces the oxidation processes in the system.

After drying, the air flows through a spin-on air filter which retains any solid particles.

With this combined filtration not only the service life of the machinery can be extended but also of the hydraulic oil. The devices, however, are especially user friendly by displaying the saturation level / amount of moisture absorption with a colour change of the granulate from ruby red (ACTIVE) to light orange (CHANGE).

The desiccant does not content any hazardous material according to EC directive 99/45/EC and 2001/60/EC and can be easily disposed in the household waste. They are refillable with separate available desiccants.

When the degree of contamination has been reached, matching spin-on air filter for an easy change are also available. The manufacturer offers a contamination indicator which can be combined with a separate adapter plate. After changing the air filter, the indicator can be reset and therefore be used again.

Five filter sizes with according spare parts and additional accessories are available from stock.

Published: October, 10 2016
